Demographic website

About this project

For demographic census, in the Republic of Armenia a special system has been worked out, which allows to have correct census data about the population in Armenia as well as right data about the foreign people who are living in Armenia currently. The site represents population distribution based on different criteria, such as urban and rural, nationality, gender, age, etc. The website has different kind of filters, with the help of which you can see data for a specific section, such as ` location, region, date of birth, gender, etc.

We helped ConnectSense launch a new product line that integrates hardware, software, and real–time data.

The website is divided into different sections: Logs, Charts, Foreign citizens, Dashboard, etc. In the Dashboard page, we show data of the population of RA based on several criteria, like population data in the last 1 year, or permanent population by gender, permanent population by regions and so on.

Custom Built from the Ground Up

There is also a separate section designed for Logs, to which only an admin has access. The admin can see logs as well as import CSV-s there. Apart from admin, other users who are granted access by admin can have access to this section as well.

All the way to launch

The charts section is accessible by admin and all users who have been granted access by admin. There are 12 types of charts, which give precise data about distribution of population based on regions, age, gender, number, etc.